Since the Winter of '84, W. T. Kirkman Lanterns has become the Premier Tubular Lantern Manufacturer & Distributor in North America, and now routinely ship orders worldwide. Many of the items we offer are exclusive to our line, and are not to be found elsewhere. To complement our vast selection of new lanterns and parts, we also maintain an inventory of obsolete replacement parts and glass. A major portion of our business is our custom electric fixtures, something we take great pride in. Our years of experience results in an unaltered appearance that aims to be historically correct as well. As each electric lantern is built to order, your specifications can be incorporated with ease. You will find many of our electric lantern fixtures at major theme parks and restaurants from Coast to Coast.

We believe in doing business the old fashioned way. We hope by liberal and courteous treatment of our customers, with a line of high quality goods at popular prices, that we will be viewed as the definitive company in this line, to merit the confidence of the trade, and be favored with a large share of their patronage. If something arrives damaged or defective, please call us immediately so that we can arrange for a replacement. If you should change your mind about a purchase, we accept returns for 30 days from receipt, (customer is responsible for original and return shipping costs.) Refunds will be issued within 7 business days after item is returned.
The information you provide us is used solely to process your order. We do not sell our customer's information to any third party. For security, our online store utilizes the latest encryption to prevent information interception.
■ E-Mail: Info@lanternnet.com (PLEASE NOTE: Requests for the value of antique lanterns are automatically deleted.)
■ Toll Free Canada and U.S.A. Lantern Order and Help Line: 1-877-985-5267 (Monday - Friday, 9-5 Pacific Time) ■ International Order and Help Line: 1-760-789-2126 (Monday - Friday, 9-5 Pacific Time) ■ International Fax Number: 1-760-787-2379 ■ U.S. Mail Address: W. T. Kirkman Lanterns, Inc., PO Box 2166, Ramona, CA 92065 ■ Physical Address: W.T. Kirkman Lanterns, Inc., 947 Main St., Ramona, CA 92065 |
Just as any fine antique, piece of jewelry, or work of art can not be appraised sight unseen, so it is with lanterns. Depending on what you actually have, generally speaking, the value of each lantern might be worth anywhere from $5 to $1000 or more. We do not appraise or provide values for lanterns via e-mail, nor do we know of any legitimate company that would. The reason we don't is simply because there are too many variables. Two lanterns of the same model might have two different values based on several factors, including: date of manufacture, age and color of the globe, production variations, and production materials, not to mention rarity of the model and condition. For comparison purposes, you might also search for a similar lantern at www.ebay.com to get an idea of what collectors are spending. Keep in mind that E-Bay is an auction site, and as such, items that are well marked usually fetch premium prices. In the end, something is only worth the price that the prospective buyer is willing to pay. We have also established a new web page to assist collectors in identifying fake lamps and lanterns. Visit www.lanternnet.com/fakes.html
For those needing information for a particular Dietz Lamp or Lantern, please check our FAQ Page or R. E. Dietz Compendium, or send us an Info@lanternnet.com, with at least one photograph of the item in question.
We are quite proud of the relationships we have developed over the years, and the repeat business we enjoy, we feel this is attributed to our "Old Fashioned" ways. Below is a partial client list from around the world.