Globe Index
Note: Are you sure you need a "Globe?" Many people confuse a Lamp's Chimney with a Lantern's Globe.

On the left is a Lantern with a Globe, held at both top and bottom. On this page we will help you find the Globe you need.
On the Right shows a Lamp where the burner gallery is the only part holding the Chimney in Place.
In Which Case, Use this page to find a chimney you need.

Below is a list of Links that make it easy to find the Globe you need.
NOTE: Below we offer replacement "Dietz" globes, as well as our own "W.T. Kirkman" Trademark globes, which use the original Dietz and Macbeth catalog numbers for reference, but will fit lanterns from most of the American manufacturers from the 1800's and 1900's.
The #852 Fitzall size globe is the appropriate replacement for #2 Cold Blast "Tall" lanterns, and post-1915 Hot Blast lanterns from the various manufacturers. The Fitzall size globe originates from the #0 Tubular size globe, which was common from 1868 to 1914.
The #850 "D-Lite" size globe is the appropriate replacement for #2 Cold Blast "Short" lanterns made after 1912 from various manufacturers.
Current Replacement Lantern Globes
Antique & Obsolete Lantern Globes
Coleman Lantern Globes
Bottom Dia. | Top Dia. | Height | Globe Name |
4 1/4" | 4 1/4" | 4 1/2" | #4 Coleman Lantern Globe |
4 7/8" | 4 7/8" | 5 1/4" | #330 Coleman Lantern Globe |
3 1/2" | 3 1/2" | 4 3/16" | #550 Coleman Lantern Globe, Sm. Bulge |
5 3/4" | 5 3/4" | 5 1/4" | #660 Coleman Lantern Globe, Lg. Bulge |
4 5/8" | 5 3/16" | 5 5/16" | #880 Coleman Lantern Globe, Lg Taper |